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  • Tuesday, 11 March 2025

About Us

Xristozo Creed

Article I - Our Mission

  1. Train and equip the followers of Jesus Christ to live in covenant with God, as he intended, as it is revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

  2. To fulfill the great commission given to us by Jesus Christ, which is to reach the world, by demonstration of the power of God's kingdom manifested in us, to heal the sick, cast out devils and convert the soul.

  3. To make disciples who will carry this same message to the next generation perpetually. 

  4. To raise a generation whose faith does not rest on the theology, science, or knowledge, but on the power of God, demonstrable (1.Cor. 2:5)

Article II - What We Believe

  1. God is the sole source of all existence, including material realities, and immaterial realities (spiritual), and who's existence is in Himself. God is the only being, in all realities, from whom His existence is derived from Himself. All beings, have their origin in God's creative work.
  2. The only means of man gaining understanding of God, is through God's specific revelation to man, from which we can ascertain absolute truth. Within the Bible we have specific revelation of God to man. The truths contained therein are the primary source of humanity to gain absolute truth and certainty of what dictates reality as we know it. There is no absolute truth outside the realm of God's revelation. Therefore, it is necessary and essential that man know it. 

  3. The Bible is the inerrant word of God, revealed to man, for the purpose of salvation, instruction, and training in righteousness. Additionally, it is God's desire to be known, and to know you. This is one of the purposes of the Bible.

  4. The Bible is the only divinely inspired source of God's specific revelation of which is confirmed through the progressive revelation of God, which, is in harmony with its successive revelations in history, covering a period of over 4000 years of human existence. There is no other collection of documents in earth's existence, for which, an equal claim can be made. During this period of revelation, the Bible has prophetically predicted forth coming events, from decades to centuries before their fulfillment with precise accuracy. No other collection of documents in antiquities, or relative modern times, can make such a claim. This and other facts, further give credence to its own claims, and its supernatural inspiration.

  5. The Bible gives the definitive source of all origins of existence, whether material reality or spiritual reality. It has definitively described the supernatural creative work of God of space, time, matter, and all life forms. It has definitively identified man above all creation as his chief creation after his own image. The creation, was defined in a short chronological narrative, covering a period of six days. This is substantiated by natural sciences, which acknowledge that the earth cannot exceed 10,000 years (which would equate the earth to a pulsar star, geophysically impossible) based on the constant of the decay rate of the earth's magnetic field. 

  6. The Bible gives a definitive explanation of the common brotherhood of man, from two original parents of all humanity. Therefore, the Bible denounces "races", which are an evolutionary concept, but affirms ethnos or people groups.

  7. The Bibles declares that there are four characteristics, which are attributed to God, and God alone:

    1. Omniscience - God is all knowing
    2. Omnipresence - God is present everywhere
    3. Omnipotence - God power is unlimited
    4. Immutable - God does not change, neither in creed or character
  8. God is Perfect, and therefore Immutable (unchanging, unimproving, without moral change). Because he is Immutable He will not change any moral judgment decreed or revealed. Hence, any moral decree of God is eternal and unchanging, and neither the organized church or man can reverse those decrees. Man is subject to those decrees eternally. If God were to change any moral decree, he would be mutable (improving or degrading) and therefore imperfect, and therefore untrustworthy. God is Immutable, and therefore worthy of all of man's trust, adoration and devotion.

  9. There exists two opposingspiritual powers in reality. They are not co-equal. The first power is of God, who is pure and holy. His Spirit is active in the world today and has a three fold purpose. The other power at work in the world is Satanic and/or demonic, with its leaderLucifer, commonly known as Satan, or the Devil. This power ofdarkness, is limited and finite, Lucifer/Satan is not an equal with God, nor with the followers  of Jesus Christ, who have been given authority over him. Satan's powers are evil, cruel, and deceptive. His actions are the sole source of the introduction of evil into this world. Although he is not Omnipresent, he has a large following of demons (commonly called devils), which orchestrate Satan's evil agenda in the world.

  10. Man was created perfect and in harmony with God, in the beginning of human existence. Through deceptive means of Satan, man has fallen from perfection and right relationship to God. It was at that point, the laws of nature and man changed and sin was introduced into the world. The introduction of sin is the source of natural laws of deterioration (known as entropy), death and destruction. Man became eternally lost, and from that point needed redemption, because he was eternally lost. 

  11. At the time of man's fall from right standing, God gave a promise that he would send a redeemer. That redeemer was Jesus Christ, who was born of the lineage of David the King of Israel. The prophets prophesied continually in the Hebrew Scriptures, and was fulfilled with great accuracy through the life and action of Jesus Christ. 

  12. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophetic predictions and is the only means of redemption for mankind. No other in human history has fulfilled these prophetic utterances, and verified their claims by the resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ tomb, remains empty, and he now is ascended and remains at the right hand of God, until the restitution of all things is ready. 

  13. Jesus Christ has empowered his followers with authority to execute his power on earth and demonstrate the validity of his promises and resurrection. These are manifested in the world since Christ resurrection, and present even unto this day. These miracles, conducted by his followers, are further proof of God, his Son, and his revealed will in the scriptures (the Bible). 

  14. The last request/command of Christ, before his ascension, was that his followers bring this good news (gospel), to the whole earth, and empowered them to confirm their preached message with signs following. This is the mission of the followers of Jesus Christ today, and will remain so until Christ returns. Therefore it is the responsibility and divine privilege of every follower of Jesus Christ to fulfill that commission with all their ability to do so.



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