Dismantling the Doctrine of Cessation - Part 1
This is a message from the founder of Xrisozo.org who presents a message which totally dismantles, limb by limb the "Doctrine of Cessation."
It is the first of a three part message series presenting an Apologetic defense of Biblical Healing, from a Biblical, Historical and Experiential Basis.
This message covers the Biblical Perspective of Healing, while destroying the idea of Cessationism directly from the scriptures.
For all who claim, that they believe the BIble and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and who somehow think that healing and miracles have ceased, this is a MUST LISTEN.
Or if you want a clear and concise presentation on the Mission and Purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, and how healing is inseparable from that mission, this is a definite must hear too.
Here Paul presents concisely how Healing is part of the Great Commission, and restores these lost truths in powerful presentation of the Biblical Grounds for Healing the Sick.
Every seen a miracle? Didn't know they were ever documented? We at Xristozo.org have worked hard at documented and restoring and colorizing some of the outstanding miracles every captured on camera in the old tent revivals. Come and enjoy some of these power demonstrations and wonderful testimonies of God perpetual Power still at work today!
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